This 2 minute video provides compelling evidence why babies are definitely affected by Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) — even if they are never physically abused themselves.
Watch this experiment from the Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences:
Details on The Institute for Learning and Brain Sciences’ Experiment with 150 Toddlers
The University of Washington wrote this about the experiment: “In the experiment, 150 toddlers at 15 months of age – an even mix of boys and girls – sat on their parents’ laps and watched as an experimenter sat at a table across from them and demonstrated how to use a few different toys.… Read More
1. “A baby’s tiny developing brain is like a delicate flower. If the flower is stressed, the flower wilts. If the flower is nourished, the flower blooms.” ***
2. “Unlike other organs, the brain is undeveloped at birth, and it is waiting for experiences to shape how it will develop.… Read More